Veggies & More

Jul 14, 20202 min

Vibrant Mixed Tomatoes

Today Pete will be talking about our mixed cherry tomatoes we currently have in season.

''This year we had quite an early planting as the tomatoes were sown in the beginning of January before being planted in mid March, this was a bit of a gamble, if we were to experience any late frost, fortunately we were lucky."

"We had our first picking at the beginning of June which mainly consisted of Sungold tomatoes, as they are the first early variety. Now we have a nice selection including Italian Luciolas and Orange Santa, giving us a nice colourful mix of Cornish grown cherry tomatoes.''

"As a smaller grower it is best for us to focus on mixed coloured cherry tomatoes rather than doing salad round and larger tomatoes as we can produce a larger yield with the space we have. Usually we space our tomato vines 2ft apart, however this year we have trialed 1ft spacings and this appears to be working out well for us."

"We always pick our tomatoes in the afternoon as the sugar content is always higher then. When picking we always target the optimum colour for each type, ensuring we provide the best quality tomato."

"We use black mulch to cover the ground which prevents weeds growing around the crop as well as warming the soil beneath it, which helps achieve better results. Our mulch is then recycled by specialist based in Hayle."

"We are currently growing five varieties of cherry tomato for our mixed cherry tomato punnets. We have Sungold tomatoes, which are a wonderful round orange cherry tomato, a very popular garden tomato, not only for their flavour but also for their earliness. We also have Italian Lucciola which is a mini San Marzano red type of tomato."

"Next we have Orange Santa which is an orange plum tomato, this is new to us this year, and is something we are trialing. So far we have seen great results, they taste great, have a lovely shiny skin and great colour too. This is one of my favourite tomatoes!"

"We also have Cocktail Crush which is a slightly larger tomato, they are generally the next size up from a cherry tomato, so we thought this one would be a good one to try.

The plant itself is much smaller when compared to the other types, which makes them quite efficient to work on because you do not have to do so much work above your head. We have seen a high yield proving that they are quite productive even as a smaller plant."

''Next we have Oregon Star, which is another tomato we are trialing at the farm this year, known for making rich soups and sauces. And finally we have the Round Orange Cherry tomato which is a beautiful sun gold colour, providing a sweeter taste.''

We hope you have enjoyed reading about our mixed cherry tomatoes available from the farm and we look forward to sharing more with you. See you soon!
