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Louise Moye

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Our Suppliers: Living Sea Therapy
Name: Louise Moye
Job Title: Marketing Director

Time in role: Since the very beginning

Favourite part of the Job:

One of the excellent parts of my job is the story telling. The customer reactions to ‘the science part’ of why Living Sea Therapy was created is so interesting, i.e. all the minerals from the sea and what they do for your skin. I have to reign in my geeky side to ensure I don’t over-fact people because there is so much to say. It makes marketing a very easy job when you have such a genuine and fascinating story to share about the brand.   

Favourite Food:

We’ve been growing our own vegetables through lock down and I’m not sure you can beat something that you’ve grown and picked yourself. The shapes of them are often wonky but the flavour and satisfaction that you’ve done it yourself is totally worth it.

Favourite place:

Mullion Cove and the coastline all around that area, it resets my brain after a busy week, completely magical.

Why I like V&M:

The team and service. It makes such a huge difference when you order from a business and you feel you can pick up the phone if you have a question and they are happy to help and really friendly. The service is also super speedy which is very useful for me as I always leave shopping to the last minute.

Unusual fact about me: 

I own 4 sheep, 3 chickens and a dog as pets.

Which Living Sea Therapy product best represents you & why?

The Sea Salt Scrub because my method of product development is getting really deep into the nitty gritty detail of things and then making sure it comes out all soft and gorgeous.

Dream Job? 

I’m already doing it, maybe being a mermaid part-time as well would be good.

Whose idea was it to create a range of body products using Cornish sea salt & seaweed and how did it come about? 

To be honest it was our customers who came up with the idea. Cornish Sea Salt Co. and The Cornish Seaweed Co. are part of our group and both produce ingredients in the food industry. Over the years many requests came in from customers about using the ingredients in body care products, so the businesses decided to work together to create a super-power sea based ingredient range, and Living Sea Therapy was born.

What makes Living Sea Therapy so unique?

Our wonder ingredient, Living Sea Complex®, an infusion of Cornish Sea Salt Minerals and three wild seaweeds brought together as an extract. Plus the important part, all the ingredients are hand-harvested from Grade A waters on The Lizard Peninsula in Cornwall.

If you knew then what you know now what would you do differently?

We launched the range in plastic packaging, all fully recyclable but not long after launch the media storm about plastics hit which has been challenging to navigate. 

What’s next for Living Sea Therapy?

We’re launching the range in sea glass packaging in 2021, it’s stunning and I’m very excited.

Covid 19 specific question – what’s the most positive thing you will take away from this time?

Valuing time spent with my family and ensuring we make time to enjoy the abundant open spaces we have in Cornwall.

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