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Local Spinach

Currently at Canara Farm Pete has been growing and harvesting baby leaf spinach. Due to its excellent taste and nutritional value, spinach is a popular leaf all over the World.

Spinach is believed to be of Persian origin. By the 12th century, it spread across Europe and became a desirable leafy green known for good health; a reputation that stands firm to this day. Spinach belongs to the chenopodiaceae family (also known as goosefoot), a family of nutritional powerhouses including beets, chard and quinoa.

It shares a similar taste profile with these two other vegetables; the bitterness of beet greens and the slightly salty flavour of chard. There are three different types of spinach generally available: savoy, semi-savoy and smooth leaf.

Spinach is available all year round but is in season during the spring (March - June). It is well known for its nutritional qualities and has always been regarded as a plant with remarkable abilities to restore energy, increase vitality and improve the quality of the blood.

There are sound reasons why spinach would produce such results, primarily the fact that it is rich in iron. Iron plays a central role in the function of red blood cells which help in transporting oxygen around the body, in energy production and DNA synthesis.

Spinach is also an excellent source of Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and folate as well as being a good source of manganese, magnesium, iron and Vitamin B2. Vitamin K is important for maintaining bone health and it is difficult to find vegetables richer in Vitamin K than spinach. Others include kale, broccoli and green cabbage.

A 100g serving (raw) provides:

• 25 Calories

• 2.8g Protein

• 0.8g Fat

• 1.6g Carbohydrates

• 2.8g Fibre

See some recommended seasonal recipes using Spinach below.

Spring Chicken Recipe:

Summer Salad Recipe:

Vegan Friendly Recipe:

[Sourced from: - By Jo Lewin - Registered Nutritionist]

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