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  • Veggies & More

Beautiful Borage at Canara

Hi and welcome to our latest updates from our very special market garden, at Canara Farm, Mylor. Today Pete will be talking about the borage flowers currently in season.

'' 5 or 6 years ago we planted some bedding plants by the poly tunnels partly for decoration to make the tunnels look nice but also to attract pollinating insects. Amongst the range of plants were some blue borage and some quite rare white borage which have self-seeded and now we leave the beds to grow each year."

" The flower beds are pretty much predominated by borage. We have a little bit of rose bay willow herb that comes up, but the borage is really lovely and bees just absolutely love it. Anyone that has ever grown borage will know it’s a great garden plant "

" Borage is completely edible from stalk to flower and it can be used for decorative purposes or when cooking soups and preserves or making beverages such as lemonade or cocktails. They can also be candied in the old Victorian style with egg white and sugar. "

" The interesting thing that I have found about growing the blue borage is that if it grows in a little bit of hard ground, or if it struggles somehow from perhaps a little bit of dryness, the flowers turn into this beautiful pink colour and you can get all the shades in between. "

We hope you have enjoyed reading about the borage flowers growing at Canara farm. What type of flowers are growing in your garden and what recipes do you use? Share with us today, we would love to hear from you. See you soon.

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