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  • Veggies & More

Pumpkin Patch at Terawhiti Farm

Terawhiti Farm is a traditional family run farm situated in the heart of the beautiful South Hams countryside and on the edge of the charming village of South Milton. The small but diverse farm has been in the Berryman family for well over a century.

The winter months yield vegetables including cauliflower, kales, cabbages, sprouts, celeriac, chard and pumpkins. In the summer Terawhiti Farm concentrate on strawberries and broccoli. All this interspersed with the fattening of their hundred strong beef herd.

At the beginning of October Terawhiti Farm played host to their popular Pumpkin Patch event for the 3rd year running. Over 5000 pumpkin plants were grown and the public were invited to visit and harvest their own local pumpkin straight from the Pumpkin Patch.

Find out more about Terawhiti Farm below:

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